Saturday, April 21, 2012


I always travel in long cargo pants and long-sleeved cargo shirts because I like the convenience of all the pockets. How would this work in Paris? Thanks.



As repeated many times on this forum, you can wear what you want. If you go to an elegant restaurant, you may want to adjust your outfit for the circumstance.


You would blend with the majority of the tourists. Have a great trip!


Check out reality: (this year) (last year) (spring 2009) (looking like a tourist)


You will fit right in. BTW, we saw French speaking people wearing the same thing - and also those fancy pocket vest things that have like 60 pockets (20 of them visible). It%26#39;s actually intelligent, since you can then get into the %26#39;%26#39;no bag%26#39;%26#39; lines at the Louvre and other places.


After checking out Kerouac%26#39;s pictures, makes me think we in the U.S just suffer a fashion insecurity complex...with very little reason. All those people look like they could be walking down the streets of NYC!! Won%26#39;t stop me from getting some help from the Paris shops though. :)


The thing that immediately struck me about the photos was that all the people in the tourist photos were notably fatter....

that being said - I would like to say I got the pickpocket on the first guess. This makes me happy - because I like to be right...and sad, because it confirms that all my time in the American Justice system has made me way too familiar with criminals....

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