Tuesday, March 27, 2012

train from Charles De Gaulle airport to Avignon

Is it possible to get a train from the airport to Avignon, I was told a while ago the the TGV would be extended to leave from the airport. Perhaps from Roissy? or do we have to get to Paris then change to a train to Avignon


If you are arriving into Paris CDG, you can take the TGV from the CDG Roissy airport station (in the airport terminal) to Avignon. If you go to www.sncf.fr you can search for the departure dates and times. Your departure point is Paris Roissy. You will need to know if you want to arrive at Avignon Centre Ville or Avignon TGV.

This has been covered many times on the forum. You may want to do a search on Avignon TGV. It may offer further assistance.

Have a great time.


There are several TGV trains per day, directly from CDG to AVIGNON. But if you plan to depart immediately from CDG to AVIGNON and then return from AVIGNON to PARIS-Gare de Lyon, for a stay in Paris before flying out again, you will have to book the itinerary as separate, one-way itineraries. SNCF round-trip fares are based on travel between the SAME two stations.

SNCF Train, schedule, fare, etc. Info--



-----SNCF round-trip fares are based on travel between the SAME two stations.------

Actually if you return to central Paris you still qualify for round trip fares. However, the internet is not able to price it. You have to call to get the discount. Discovery Stay and Discovery for 2 are round trip fares. These , however are not the cheapest fares. Prems are the cheapest fares and they do not require round trip travel.

Caneton: You might want to check out my post about how to book via the sncf website. Here%26#39;s the link:



Thank you so much for your wonderful help. I couldn%26#39;t get the reservation before I read your site because I was putting in CDG instead of Roissy. I saved a lot of $ by not using a booking agent through Rail Europe.




I don%26#39;t know what I%26#39;m doing wrong...I have tried to enter CDG Roissy and just Roissy to check that train schedule from the airport to Avignon to no avail. The RailEurope site, which SNCF reverts to when one searches, doesn%26#39;t seem to recognize that departure point.



SNCF%26#39;s own suggestion is %26#39;Aeroport Paris Roissy Charles De Gaulle (CDG 2) - Gare TGV%26#39; then the online booking page itself shows %26#39;AEROPORT CDG 2 TGV (95) %26#39; - start typing and the options should appear!

Raileurope.com is the US agency for SNCF - general experience is that fares are likely to be cheaper if you book through either the SNCF French language website www.voyages-sncf.com/billet-train/horaires or the English language http://www.tgv-europe.com/en/home/ giving your location as Great Britian (to make sure it remains in English). There is help for French langauage bookings on seat61, or MorganB%26#39;s post on this forum.

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