Thursday, April 19, 2012

Question for those who've used the Museum Pass recently

For which museums and monuments did you find it most useful for queue jumping? As I plan my rough itinerary based on what days/times places are open, I%26#39;m trying to figure out which two days consecutive days it makes the most sense to use it. I%26#39;m trying to go to places like the Louvre and the Orsay on the late nights, when I think it might not make such a difference to have the pass. But what about places like the Pompidou, the Arc de Triomphe, the Cluny, or Invalides? Are there generally monster lines at those places now as well? Any recommendations from those in the know and/or recent visitors to Paris is much appreciated.



I just got back from Paris and found that the %26quot;line jumping%26quot; was especially helpful at the Arc de Triomphe and the Orangerie Museum. The Orangerie Museum actually has a special line set up for those with Museum Passes so you can just jump into that one and most of the wait time at the Arc is standing in line for tickets.


Pass is most usefull at musee d%26#39;Orsay IMO.

Then Orangerie, Arc de triomple and towers of Notre Dame.

Louvre is easy with no pass. Enter through the shoppong mall %26quot;carrousel du Louvre%26quot;. Invalides and Cluny are easy too. No monster lines anywhere.

A wait yes, but not much more than at Berthillon or Laduree and nobody ever questions that.


Is it true, though, that for the Notre Dame Towers you can%26#39;t really avoid the lines even with the pass because everyone has to stand in a long security line, and because only a certain number of people are allowed up at a time? I seem to recall reading that somewhere...maybe here on TA....


There is only one line at the N.D. towers, and they only let groups of around 20 go up at intervals. So it is true there is no shortcut there with the pass.


We had the pass but had to stand in line 40 minutes the first trip to the Louvre - on a Monday morning after the FĂȘte de la Musique, so there were lots of visitors in town. We were disappointed as the chief reason we bought the pass was to avoid lines - there was no line for the museum itself, but the security lines were quite long. We checked out lines at four different entrances and chose the underground mall entrance merely because it was air-conditioned - they were all pretty long (for security check). There was supposed to be a line for people without bags, but people with bags and without were in both lines.

Second time, we went in through the Pyramid and it was only a 10 minute wait for the security check.

Lines at the ND Towers were 30 minutes each time we were there - so we didn%26#39;t go up.

There was no line at the D%26#39;Orsay (Tuesday morning, I believe).

We used the pass at Cluny, Louvre, Orangerie and D%26#39;Orsay so we sort of got our money%26#39;s worth - but then bought a two day pass later when in fact we realy only needed it for Les Invalides, I believe.

There was no line at Les Invalides, either. There was a big line at Petit Palais - but for the special exhibition, the rest of the museum was free (but we thought we were using our pass - we were out of it).


It saved me considerable time on the day I went to the Louvre. Also d%26#39;Orsay had a designated line for pass holders. As other has stated, it does not help you at Notre Dame where I waited about 40 minutes.


Thanks everyone--this is really helpful!

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