Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weather in September/Clothing

Somewhere (I don%26#39;t recall where) I compared Paris to the weather here in Seattle and it%26#39;s virtually identical. This is nice because I am used to the varying temps, but it also, apparently means some degree of unpredictability

I%26#39;ll be there during the first two weeks of September. I am planning on bringing clothes that can be layered as needed. But I am having a hard time deciding on a coat. I have a very nice wool jacket I was considering bringing - but it seems it may be too warm for something like that. And it%26#39;ll be a lot of wasted space to bring it if I don%26#39;t need it.

But it also seems like it may be too cool for a sleeveless vest...At least I could layer that more easily.

What kind of outer wear would you reccomend for that season? Seattle doesn%26#39;t really have an %26quot;inbetween%26quot; season - so I don%26#39;t really have a moderate weight coat. I may need to buy one!


I think the wool jacket would be overkill and expect that Paris (on average) will be warmer than Seattle during September. I%26#39;d bring a sleeved sweater and a sleeved light jacket that can be layered. Unless you plan to walk through Rambuteau for hours, you are in a big city and can always duck into a cafe on a very cool day if you are cold.


Unpredictability is the right word. Paris has a long %26quot;in-between%26quot; season and if you%26#39;re lucky you can get quite warm weather as late as October and as early as March/April.

On the other hand it could be quite chilly! First half of September: expect daytime temperatures anywhere between low teens and low 30s (mid 50s to high 80s in American money); rain or sun is anyone%26#39;s guess. Check out the forecast just before you leave, but that won%26#39;t help you with the second week...

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